Things You May Not Know About Breathwork:

All You Need is Right Under Your Nose

  • Breathing can change the alkalinity of your blood in minutes. No food, exercise, or medication acts as quickly.

  • By learning to reduce the pace of breathing, you are able to go into a more parasympathetic nervous system state to melt away stress and anxiety.

  • Diaphragmatic breathing massages the Vagus Nerve and reduces the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and aids in digestion.

  • Severe respiratory conditions like asthma can be successfully managed by increasing CO2 levels in the blood.

  • Proper breathing is actually the most detoxifying thing we can do for the body. 70% of toxins are removed through breathing! Hello fasting & cleansing!

"Your course has helped me release so much old baggage! It is exactly what I needed to make space for the abundance and love I am now experiencing."

Myles D.

No one ever told me I could learn to love myself through breathwork—but I did.

This is a self-healing tool that can teach you how to reclaim your power, feel safe in your body, and process unresolved emotions and rewrite belief systems.

What to Expect

  • Internal Clarity

    Feel like you have a million tabs open in your brain? This course will retrain the neurological systems to come back to the home base of the breath in times of stress.

  • Detoxify Your Subconscious

    70% of toxins are released simply through breathing! Discover the electric current of presence and feel nourished on every system. Allow detoxification & fasting to be an easy process when you put the focus on the breath.

  • Power On

    Discover true alignment spiritually and begin to move with more awareness rather than anxiety. Your intuitive creativity will be ignited so you can move forward with you purpose powered on.

16 Guided Sessions & Then Some

  1. 01
    • Intro + My Breathwork Journey

    • How to Use This Course

  2. 02
    • How to Breathe

    • Recommended Reading

    • The Default 40-Minute Breath Session

    • Bonus Focus #1: Breath Awareness

    • Bonus Focus #2: DMT Breathwork (Craving Killer)

    • Bonus Focus #3: Daily Herbs

  3. 03
    • Heart Opener Guided Breathwork Video

    • Bonus Focus #1: Forgiveness

    • Bonus Focus #2: Hour Long Radical Self Love Guided Breathwork Audio

    • Bonus Focus #3: Journal Prompts

  4. 04
    • Tao Te Ching Silent Breathwork + Healing Sounds

    • Bonus Focus #1: Tao Te Ching Audio Book

    • Bonus Focus #2: Night Time Breathwork Audio

    • Bonus Focus #3: Mudras During Breathwork

  5. 05
    • Chakra Cleansing Breathwork

    • Bonus Focus #1: Breath Walking Audio

    • Bonus Focus #2: Additional Essential Herbs + Supplements

    • Bonus Focus #3: Daily Chakra Intentions

  6. 06
    • Innerchild Healing Breathwork Audio

    • Bonus Focus #1: External Reflects Internal

    • Bonus Focus #2: Quick Reset Breath Session

    • Bonus Focus #3: The Secret of the Golden Flower

  7. 07
    • Set Yourself Free for Abundance Breathwork

    • Bonus Focus #1: Body Tension Audio Breathwork

    • Bonus Focus #2: Dream Deeper

    • Bonus Focus #3: Two-a-Days

  8. 08
    • Yin-Yang Harmony | 30 Minute Guided Breathwork Audio

    • Breaking Down the Healing Sounds

    • Fasting & Breathwork

    • Bonus Focuses

    • Feedback

A $500 Value for Just $300

Proven techniques to change the structure of your brain.


  • Who is this course for?

    We all breathe right? EVERYONE. No matter your age or experience with breathwork, this course is waiting for you to begin.

  • How long is this course available for me to practice with?

    This course is yours to use for a lifetime! It is designed so that you can practice at the best pace for YOU. Take your time and enjoy the process.

  • I have zero experience with breathwork, will I learn the basics?

    Absolutely! The introduction to this course is actually a tutorial on how to breathe and the specific techniques to maintain a regular breathwork practice.

  • I've struggled with meditation, will this course be good for me?

    This course will provide a fresh perspective on what it means to be aware of your breath. Meditation and breathwork have their differences and I can honestly say I think you'll realize this on week one.

  • Can I teach others once I complete this course?

    This is not a breathwork teacher certification course, however I do always encourage you to share the power of the breath with loved ones. At the end of the day, it is a vital tool we all are born with and I'd love for more of us to utilize it!

Hi, I'm Casey-Michelle!

Meet Your Instructor

In 2019, when I first really began to practice breathwork my entire reality shifted without me even making any conscious decisions. It was effortless. Before diving into this superpower, I was working 60+ hours in the film industry, eating to fill emotional voids, had zero sense of community, and was basically on autopilot. But when I realized that the way we are breathing is literally the way we are living, I made it a point to prioritize the breath as much as it prioritizes me. I now live freely and work for myself with full authentic creative expression. I’ve attracted an incredible supportive community. I am able to practice extensive fasting and detox cleanses easily. I am experiencing financial freedom by doing what I love. I have cured my overeating and binge eating disorder. I honestly could keep you here all day with the way that simply taking control of my breath allowed me to take control of my life. I can honestly say I feel the most connected to my truest self than I ever have in my life and I want others to experience this freedom as well. The less breaths, the more presence!

Casey Budd

Breathwork Facilitator

Connect to Your True Nature

Get started now

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